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App Recommendations from Rosemary Orchard


The Best Calendar App for Apple Watch


Fantastical for Apple Watch has a great user interface, and it leads the pack in every way that matters on watchOS.

Blog Posts & Articles by Rosemary Orchard

Getting Started with Obsidian URL Schemes

Obsidian is a great application for storing all my notes and documentation about things in my life. One of the things I love about it is the ability to link to notes and even have those links do things when I click them. This means that I can easily jump to a project plan document […] »

Cardhop 2.0: Relate to your Contacts

Cardhop has been my preferred contacts app since it came out. There’s nothing wrong with the native contacts app on iOS or macOS per se, it’s just not that great. Adding and updating contacts requires lots of clicks or taps, and it never felt like a good place to start trying to contact someone. This […] »

Quick Capture with Drafts

Drafts is one of my most frequently used apps. It was designed for capturing text so you can do something with it. Over the years it's evolved, becoming more powerful and more flexible. This has lead me to use it more and more because it's incredibly easy to capture my data, and the processing options are endless. »

Triggers & App Open Automations

This is a video lesson from the new Time Tracking module in our Simple Time Management course. It’s 20% off during launch week. On iOS, we can easily create an automation that allows us to start a timer anytime we open an app. This is one of many tricks I use to help me track […] »

How Rose uses Shortcuts and App Launchers to Track Time

Time tracking is something that yields really useful results, but it can be a pain to do accurately. I tried to do it manually for a long time, but after spending three consecutive days "reading" due to a stopped timer, and realizing how much of the rest of my data was completely inaccurate, I could see I needed a better approach. »

How I Use Time Blocking to Increase My Efficiency

Time blocking is something that took a while to click for me. I understand the concept of dependent tasks, and time restrictions well, and once the pieces fell into place it really became a game changer for me. »

How I Use Systems to Build Habits, Reviewing My Life

Systems, habits, and workflows are all inextricably linked. I have lots of systems (perhaps too many), and at some point you reach a place where things no longer feel like they flow β€” more that you're being bounced all over the place with poor suspension because review inertia has got you this far. »

iOS 14.3 Home Screen and Shortcuts Improvements

Since iOS 14 released we’ve seen more and more people try customizing their Home Screens. Whether they take a more widget based approach or replace individual app icons (or a combination of the two), it seems the world has gone custom Home Screen mad. With a custom Home Screen, you can change the icon for […] »

How to Change the Default Mail App in iOS 14

iOS 14 has brought us many changes, from folders in Shortcuts to widgets on the home screen. But one of the features that has long been asked for is the ability to change the default app used for email. »

Review: The New Due for Mac

No matter how good your task management system is, there will always be things that need to be done at a specific time or as soon thereafter as possible, and for that I outsource my needs to Due. »

Using Apple Watch Faces to Simplify Your Day

The Apple Watch is a wonderful device that literally goes almost everywhere with us. It allows us to track our workouts, control our music, keep on top of our task management, remember meetings, and much more. But all of that on a screen that's at most 44mm? That's a challenge. »

Using Shortcuts & Streaks to Build Systems and Habits

Building up new systems and habits can be really hard work β€” especially when there are so many other things to do that we enjoy! But a little bit of automation and a few apps can really go a long way to helping you set yourself up for success. »

Shopping Quickly with Drafts

As much as I do enjoy shopping, I've never wanted to spend hours aimlessly wandering around the supermarket. Over the years, I've honed my skills and automations to enable me to get organized beforehand so I can get in and out of the store as quickly as possible! »

Sending Ideas from Drafts to Your Task Manager

A while ago when I was reading a post Mike wrote about how he manages his ideas, I spotted a tiny little thing in a screenshot, which sparked this whole post. Here's an automation to automatically add one tag to something when sending it to a task manager, with a choice of which other tag(s) to add as a bonus. »

How to Update Your 1Password Entries in Keychain on iOS

If, like me, you've taken some time over the last week or two to update some of your usernames and passwords in 1Password, you might have noticed that the suggestions on iOS are showing the wrong username or email address. But when you go to fill it, the information is correct. So, what gives? »

4 Ways I Use Mind Maps to De-Stress My Life

Mind mapping has long been one of my favorite tools to help me get thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or screen) as well as give things a _semblence_ of order without enforcing a strict structure. I realized some time ago that there are particular areas for which I frequently turn to mind maps, and the benefit of this is tangible. »

Customize Suggested Replies on Apple Watch

Did you know that you can customize the quick replies on watchOS? It's useful to set up so you can both replace the current replies to suit your way of talking, as well as add your own replies for things you frequently say. »

iOS Calendar Automation with Shortcuts and Fantastical 3

The all new Fantastical 3 offers a huge number of new features and a whole host of new actions for Shortcuts. These make doing some actions that would otherwise require you to fine tune the native calendar shortcuts much easier, and easier to integrate into your workflows. »

Enhance Your File Search with Alfred

Many people use Alfred to search for files on their Mac and to launch applications, but these functions barely scratch the surface of this great app! Today we show you how to make the most out of the files integration in Alfred. »

Enhance Your Home Automations with Logic

iOS 13 brought many things β€” including automations in Shortcuts. These automations allow us to do lots of things, but they also added the ability to seriously enhance our home automations. »

Set Up Your Drafts Workspaces for an Improved Writing Experience

Drafts is an excellent app for note taking and writing, and workspaces are a very powerful feature that can make it even easier to use. With the release of version 5, it became my preferred writing app for nearly everything. Workspaces are the key to that transformation. »

How to Enable Type to Siri

Siri is a very useful personal assistant, but there are times when we don't want to or aren't able to talk. It might be as minor as having a sore throat or a day of meetings, or it could be a disability. Thankfully, Apple has thought ahead and allows you to change the voice assistant into a keyboard assistant! »

15 One-Action Shortcuts to Make Your Life Easier

Shortcuts is a wonderful app, but it can also be overwhelming. Today, I'm going to show you 15 one-action Shortcuts you can create, and let's be honest β€” with one action, there's not a lot of work for you to do! »

Create Your Own Services Menu Items for Files on macOS using Automator

On your Mac, when you right-click files in the Finder you may well have seen an entry on the shortcut menu called Services, which contain some helpful actions that you can perform on the file. But, did you know you can create your own Services that can show up in this menu? Today, I'm going to show you how to create four services that will help you get the most out of your Mac. »

A Roundup of Health Features to Check Out in iOS and watchOS

Apple has made health a commitment over the last few years. In the latest iOS and watchOS there are a whole host of features which you can use to keep on top of your health, including several things new in watchOS 6 and iOS 13. »

How to Scan a QR Code on iOS

QR codes are everywhere nowadays, from rental bikes to trains, posters, and more. Once upon a time in iOS, you had to download and open an app to scan a QR code, but a few years ago Apple integrated it into the camera app to make life easier for all of us! »

Get Started with Mail Rules on Your Mac

macOS Mail has built-in rules and filters that you can use to manage all of your accounts. These run whenever your Mac is awake and connected to the internet and allow you to do anything from set the background color of emails in the list to executing AppleScript! »

How to Make Fancy Screenshots with Picsew

You've probably seen screenshots all over the web with an iPad or iPhone frame around them, and you may even have a Shortcut that can do that, but there's a new app in town that can tidy up your screenshots for you, and it's called Picsew. »

How to Get Directions to a Calendar Event on Apple Watch

Our Apple Watches are becoming more and more useful, and one of the great ways they do that is by giving us directions. It's even possible to get directions to a specific event right on your watch - without invoking Siri! »

Start Your Day Automatically with Keyboard Maestro

One of the ways I like to use Keyboard Maestro is to start different parts of my day, such as making sure all of the applications I use every day are started and ready as soon as I get to work. »

All the New Things in Shortcuts for iOS 13

The new version of Shortcuts in iOS 13 iPadOS will be publicly released in September, and we are incredibly excited for that milestone based on what we've seen so far! »

How to Share Podcast Clips With Overcast

With a recent update to Overcast, you can now easily share podcast clips on social media or other forms of communication, along with a link to the podcast. »

How to Set Up and Use Hot Corners on macOS

Hot Corners has been a feature of macOS and OS X for many years, so it's easy to forget that this simple yet powerful feature can still improve your workflows today. »

How to Use the Measure App on Your iPhone

With iOS 12, Apple introduced a measuring app that uses augmented reality to measure the distance between two points in space, and it's really easy to use. »

Using CARROT Weather with Shortcuts and Siri

With a recent update, CARROT Weather now support Shortcuts and Siri, meaning you can create a Shortcut that enables your favorite robot to dictate the latest forecast to you. »

Our first look at Shortcuts on iOS

Shortcuts is now available in the iOS beta program, and we take our first look at what this new automation app offers in this early stage. »