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Category Archive: Uncategorized

Why goals fail

Right now, millions of people are obsessing over one thing: GOALS. And no, I don’t mean goooooooaaaaaaallllls. ⚽️ I’m talking about the goal-setting mania that takes hold this time every year. Just take a look at this Google Trends chart for searches for “goal setting.” Can you guess which months of the year those spikes […] »

Elements of a Sweet Setup: Desks and Chairs

There’s a lot of hype around building out a home office right now given the dramatic shift toward work-from-home or hybrid remote work. There are so many accessories and so many ways to build your setup — it can be overwhelming. And it’s important, right? You’re spending 8-plus hours in your workspace every day, so you want the space to be inspiring, healthy, and productive. »

A First Look at the Doppler 2 Music App

Doppler 2 features a refreshed interface, improved controls for liking and adding songs to playlists, and a very effective WiFi transfer function for importing songs. »

Do You Mind Map? We’d Love to Hear From You!

To tip our hat, we have something brand new in the works for 2020. But, as usual, we would love to hear your feedback and input before we get started. (As you’ll soon discover, it is related to idea management and mind mapping.) Would you mind taking a few moments to provide your feedback on […] »

Tomorrow: Day One in Depth Course

Big day tomorrow… Our brand-new course, Day One In Depth will be available. This new course is the most detailed and extensive guide to Day One there is. As I’ve said before, this app is one I’ve been using since it came out in 2011 and it has become one of the single most important […] »

What’s In My Day One

When we launched this website in the fall of 2013, we had just a handful of app reviews written: weather, calculator, calendar, and a few others. Of those first reviews, there was one in particular that I wanted to write myself: the pick for best journaling app. The pick was — and still is, of […] »

Andreas Zeitler’s Mac and iOS setup

Andreas Zeitler is a video producer focusing on introduction videos, iOS App Previews, and motion graphics with his company, zCasting 3000. »

We like Overcast

Overcast is a new iOS podcast app by Marco Arment that gives existing apps a run for their money. »