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Countdown to the Calm Inbox course…

When we asked thousands of our readers about email, they said that their biggest frustration was about just how overwhelming email feels.

We got feedback from folks, saying things like:

“Inbox Zero feels impossible”

“I don’t how to prioritize emails that truly need my attention”

“I am frustrated at trying to stay on top of it all.”

There’s a problem, right?

Why is it that something which is such a central part of our lives is also something so frustrating, distracting, and overwhelming?

Calm Inbox is focused on email, but its principles can be applied to any inbox you have, such as social media, news, RSS, and more.

In the Calm Inbox course you will discover:

  1. How to set up your Calm Inbox system
  2. How to actually maintain your Calm Inbox
  3. How to be more focused action
  4. Plus! The Vault: A whole slew of email app screencasts and tutorials to help you with the technical details of email mastery.

The new Calm Inbox course launches in just 7 days — on Tuesday, September 29 — and it is our most ambitious training to date with 4 Modules, 22 videos, and 29 screencasts.

Starting now, and leading up to the launch, we will be publishing and sharing new articles and videos every day in a Countdown to Calm Inbox.

All of the above articles will be published here on The Sweet Setup blog.

Thenโ€ฆ next week, on Tuesday, Sep 29 at 10am EST… Calm Inbox launch! ?

What now? You should RSVP for the webinar this Thursday. In it, we’ll show you some tips for how to unclog your email.

For those whoโ€™ve been tracking with the writing we have been doing here over the past few weeks and months, you may have noticed several articles have been published out of the overflow of our work to build the content for Calm Inbox.

If any of these past articles have been helpful then I hope youโ€™ll consider the immense value found in the Calm Inbox course when it comes out on Sep 29.

For now, we hope to see you at the webinar in a few days.