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An update to our Apple Music review, some tips on productivity, and more

Here are the things we published this week and last. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS.

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The best music streaming service »

The best music streaming service

Apple Music is currently the best option available for an on-demand streaming music service. This service has continued to build a rich feature set, attract a healthy amount of users, and continually has an extensive catalog of music that has a history of including exclusives not available anywhere else.

How to Be More Productive (Hint: Don’t Work During Vacation) »

How to Be More Productive (Hint: Don’t Work During Vacation)

Over the past few days, about 2,000 people have taken our new Focus Quiz to get their personal focus assessment. Of those 2,000 people, there are two results that are taking up the lion’s share, with one in particular that is most dominant.

The most common result we’re seeing is for those whose biggest opportunity for improving focus is to get more organized and in control.

How to access and edit your notes from Control Center in iOS 11 »

In iOS 11, you can customize how the Notes app works when it’s triggered from Control Center (from Settings → Control Center). Read on to see how it works.

Accidental Digital Detox »

A few days ago I listened to one of the most impactful podcast episodes I’ve heard in a while.(Links at the end of the article.)

While many of my friends are getting their new iPhones X today, mine won’t be here until later this month. Today, I’ll be here at home, hanging out with my boys as I am apt to do on a Friday afternoon. We’re going to roast some pumpkin seeds and watch a movie.

How does that fit in? Let me tell you…

(Six Colors) iPhone X: Tomorrow’s iPhone today »

The first of the iPhone X preorders are arriving today, but Jason Snell (Six Colors) has a thoughtful review out regarding the latest top-end iPhone offering from Apple. As Jason explains, iPhone X is very much a glimpse into the future of pocket computing.

(MacStories) Overcast 4.0 brings UI optimizations for iOS 11 and iPhone X, Drag and Drop, and new advanced settings »

Overcast, our favorite podcast client for iOS, received a major update this week that brings several UI improvements for iOS 11, iPhone X compatibility, and much more. Federico Viticci (MacStories) wrote a detailed review of the new features:

Overcast 4.0 is a good example of how Apple’s biggest releases of the year impacted apps that needed a lot of work to be updated for the iPhone X and iOS 11. Released today on the App Store, Overcast 4.0 bears no groundbreaking additions to the experience; instead, developer Marco Arment focused on design refinements and simplifying the app’s navigation, modernizing Overcast’s appearance and flow while bringing smaller enhancements to the listening and browsing experience.

The trick to waking up to a clean inbox every morning (Sponsor) »

SaneBox is like a super-smart assistant who’s been with you for years and knows what’s important to you, and what’s not. It moves unimportant emails from the inbox into a new folder and summarizes them in a digest, where you can quickly bulk-process them. An average SaneBox customer saves 12+ hours/month on email.

SaneBox works with any email provider, client or device.

With glowing reviews from TechCrunch, Forbes, The New York Times and emailers everywhere, you can rest assured that you will fall in love with email again. Try it today and receive an automatic $20 credit upon signing up. It’s risk free—cancel and your email returns to the way it was.

Our thanks to SaneBox for sponsoring the site this week.