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More Updates to Notion’s Home Page, Interesting Links From Our Friends, and More

Here are the things we published this week and last. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS.

Also, we have a weekly email newsletter that sums up all the new and cool things published to the site. If you like to stay up-to-date via email, then you should sign up here.

The Notion Home Page Gets Another Round of Updates »

The Notion Home Page Gets Another Round of Updates

The most notable update to Notion in the last few months has got to be the Notion Home Page.

In the past, if you wanted something in Notion, you had to build it. I’ve spent lots of time building Notion dashboards and personal “Home Pages”, but they are debuting new native templates, page types, and of course a Home Page.

The Home Page is dynamic, meaning that it will show the information relative to each person’s workspace. Your Notion Home Page will look different than My Notion Home Page.

I included an overview of the Home Page a few months back when I covered a handful of new Notion updates, but the past few weeks have brought even more updates to the page (yeah!).

Mike’s Obsidian Task Management Dashboard Workflow »

Mike’s Obsidian Task Management Dashboard Workflow

I’ve written previously about Obsidian task management basics and creating task management queries, but lately I’ve been obsessed with crafting my own task management workflows in Obsidian. I decided several months ago I was going to go all in with managing tasks and projects in Obsidian, and in this post I’m going to show you how I set it all up using the Tasks plugin.

4 Fatal Productivity Flaws »

It’s the most common question I’ve heard since opening enrollment for the Build Your Dream Week Summit…

“Why will this be ANY different?”

You’ve tried the apps. You’ve tried time blocking. You’ve tried a dozen different routines and systems for getting your calendar under control.

And yet you still struggle to dedicate time throughout the week to the most important stuff in your life. The distractions, pointless meetings, and random busywork still manage to slow your progress on the things that actually matter.

Why will this work when everything else has failed to move the needle?

To show you, I want to talk about WHY productivity systems fail in the first place.

There are four specific reasons, and we’ve designed the Build Your Dream Week Summit to counteract all of them.

How to cut 20% off your calendar »

Think about your calendar for this week right now.

Do you automatically tense up a little at the mere mention of it?

So many people are swimming in tasks they either…

  1. Don’t want to do
  2. Don’t need to do (AKA things that can be delegated)
  3. Only do because they’re on autopilot

The bad news: there is no such thing as a magic wand that will automatically make those obligations disappear.

The good news: I’ve never met anyone who couldn’t remove at least ~20% of those tasks with the right plan. And believe me, I’ve seen some INSANE calendars over the years.

The First Ever “Build Your Dream Week” Summit »

The First Ever “Build Your Dream Week” Summit

This week, we officially opened enrollment for the Build Your Dream Week Summit!

Click here to save your spot and get all the details now. <<<

The Build Your Dream Week Summit is a live, online workshop where you will create a personalized system for spending more time in the areas of life that are most important to you right now.

This is a brand new coaching experience designed with two big things in mind:

  1. Helping you make a BIG positive difference in your day-to-day productivity in a small amount of time.
  2. Delivering it in a convenient (yet impactful) format.

You won’t have to set aside weeks of time to participate in the summit (or fly hundreds of miles to attend).

All you have to do is hop on your computer for four live coaching sessions June 11-14. And if you can’t attend live, you can check out the recording each evening.

The best part? You can participate for as little as $29.

This is a truly impactful workshop that we want MANY to experience.

Save my spot »

SaneBox’s Blackhole Feature Can Be Your New Email Gatekeeper »

SaneBox’s Blackhole Feature Can Be Your New Email Gatekeeper

I’ve been around the bend and back with different email apps and services over the last few years. HEY kicked off the experimentation and introduced the Screener (a feature for filtering out email you don’t want in your inbox), large file sharing, separate silos for receipts and newsletters, and more. Other email apps jumped on board with some of these specialty features — Spark introduced the Gatekeeper (same idea as the Screener), priority email (same idea as separating out receipts and newsletters), and now has loads of AI features built in.

Of all these cool new email features, the original Screener idea is my favorite of the bunch. I like the ability to separate out the cruft from email I have to act on. I like having receipts arrive in a specific spot for quickly scanning through later. I like being able to check my screened out emails occasionally in case something important came through that I missed.

But paying the price for HEY or Spark just for the Screener/Gatekeeper feature is a tall ask. You can create these email rules manually if you’d like, all for the price of your attention and time. Or you can try SaneBox for applying these sorts for features to your email service of choice.

Chloe’s Digital + Analog Setup »

Chloe’s Digital + Analog Setup

Productivity systems are, and should be, unique to each person’s preference. I am not a fan of the “just try this one thing and it will revolutionize the way you do everything” faux-ductivity Twitter advice stuff. There is no productivity silver bullet. If you want to be truly productive, you need to know yourself and how you work best.

I want to show you some of the components of my productivity system. Not so that you copy my setup, but to give you some ideas of how to find your ideal system.

I use a method we call “Hybrid Productivity”. This means that I use digital and analog (pen and paper) tools together. But, we live in a digital age, so why do I even bother with analog tools?

Interesting Links From Our Friends and Around the Web »