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How to use mind maps when running a business and personal life

Recently, I shared with a couple of friends about the new mind mapping course we just released. And one of them — (Brandon Wentland, who also has previously shared his sweet setup here) — started telling me about the ways he uses mind maps to run his digital marketing agency.

Mind maps are the sort of thing that make a lot more sense when you see them in action.

So I asked Brandon if he’d be willing to walk me through the different maps he uses.

In our conversation, Brandon shares about how he used mind mapping for planning and hiring at work, as well as personal examples such as taking book notes and setting goals.

In this video, you’ll discover:

  • Why the iPad is such a great tool for developing your ideas.
  • How Brandon uses mind maps to support his 12 Week Year goals and build positive habits.
  • How using a mind map to define the responsibilities makes hiring for a specific role easier.
  • How the accountability chart Brandon built in MindNode helps keep his company organized.
  • How to use a mind map to build out the framework for a presentation.
  • How Brandon takes highlights from Kindle books he reads and moves them into MindNode to create book summaries.
  • Tips for getting started with consistent thinking time.

If you’re interested in mind mapping but aren’t quite sure how you might use it, you’ll definitely get some ideas and inspiration from this video.

Download Brandon’s Mind Map Templates

Get Our New Course on Mind Mapping

If you want to up your idea development game, check out our new mind mapping course.

But don’t wait — the 20% launch-week discount ends tonight!

Get the Course