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Behind the scenes of our GTD app review Hero image

We do all our own photography here. And sometimes, for the Hero Image, the goal isn’t so much to show a screenshot of the app as it is to try and give some context for what the app is about.

Here are a few of my favorite hero images:

Paprika: our favorite recipe app

iBank: our favorite app for managing personal finances and budgets

Rdio: the best music streaming service

Unread: The best RSS app for the iPad

For yesterday’s OmniFocus article, I had the idea of this massive collage of all the tools and toys from all the various areas of life: reading material, cooking utensils, pens, papers, computers, power tools, etc. This is the stuff of tasks, projects, and areas of responsibility — my work life, family life, hobbies, interests, etc.

Looking at the photo by itself, you’d never know it was about OmniFocus. But since the photo would be in context to the app name and review title, I thought it was worth it.

And, for fun, here’s a behind the scenes rundown of everything found in the Hero Image we used for our article on our favorite productivity and GTD app suite.


(Click for full size.)

  1. Swanson Magnetic Box Level
  2. Wire whisk (a.k.a. my sons’ favorite toy)
  3. Duct Tape
  4. Porter Cable 16ga Finish Nailer
  5. 25-foot locking tape measure
  6. iPad mini 2 with Retina display and Verizon LTE
  7. iPhone 6, Space Grey, 64 GB, AT&T
  8. HausBell Cree LED Flashlight
  9. Lagom magazine, Volume 1
  10. Extra-long grill tongs
  11. Channellocks
  12. Stapler
  13. 11-inch MacBook Air, circa 2012
  14. Olympus E-PL5 camera with Panasonic 25mm f/1.4 lens (I used my E-M10 with the 20mm f/1.7 lens to take the shot)
  15. Baron Fig dotted grid Confidant notebook
  16. Spyderco Ambitious Black G-10 PlainEdge Pocket Knife
  17. Eastern Collective Braided Lighting Cable
  18. Apple EarBuds
  19. Coffee (beans from Broadway Cafe in Kansas City and brewed with a Clever Dripper)
  20. Pens (top to bottom): Pilot Matte Black Vanishing Point fountain pen with fine nib, Bamboo Stylus, a dozen Signo DX 0.38mm gel ink pens, Blue and black Sharpie markers, carpenter pencil, and Cosmonaut stylus
  21. Bellroy Note Sleeve Wallet
  22. Rubber bands
  23. Packing tape
  24. Skilsaw circular saw
  25. Scissors
  26. Blue bouncy ball (for playing catch with my 2-year-old)
  27. Lots of Field Notes in the Field Notes Archival Wooden Box
  28. Hard Graft Flat Pack for 13-inch MacBook Air
  29. Doxie Go
  30. Vitamix Container for our 5200 Series blender
  31. Yellow sticky notes
  32. Tomas the Train engine
  33. DeWalt drill bit set