
FREE! Plan Your Ideal Week: Bonus Workshop + Planner  →  Get the Workshop

[Closing Soon] Let’s remake your schedule together


Time’s almost up!

We’re kicking off the Build Your Dream Week Summit tomorrow, which means today is your last chance to enroll before the first workshop.

Go here to save your spot now »

If your weekly schedule feels unsustainable or unsatisfying and you want to experience a BIG change in it…

This is your chance to make it happen without having to set aside weeks to go through a long, drawn-out course.

What will that big change look like? That all depends on what you want. It could mean…

  • Less time buried in meetings, busywork, or other distractions that steal your focus.
  • More time for that big project you’ve had on the back burner.
  • Building in breathing room so you can actually rest and recharge throughout the week.
  • Feeling accomplished and energized at the end of the week.

These are all outcomes that you can realistically achieve by this time next Monday.

I know it’s realistic because I’ve seen it happen again and again.

Check out what just a handful of the thousands of busy professionals who have been through this material had to say:

“I started routines that I had been thinking about for decades. I am more aware of how many projects I can realistically take on at once, and which will have to be put on the side for now.” – Phong C.

“This class was completely life changing. Shawn brought it all together with a simple yet profound blueprint to follow and implement. I am so excited!” – Jennifer Nagaoka

“Shawn helped me get back to center. Which can be quite a challenge to find in the massive jungle that is the mess of our modern lives. It helped me define what was important and why — and how to execute on those things.” – Andrew Carrol

You don’t have to be someone who loves routines and planning.

You don’t need to have a ton of time available.

You don’t need to have a clear idea of what you want out of life right now (we’ll help with that).

You just need to carve out about an hour a day this week to show up, focus, and try something new.

That’s all that stands between you and your dream week.

Ready to do this?

Yes! Save my spot at the Build Your Dream Week Summit!

You can get all the details on the workshop dates and times when you click the link above.

And remember — recordings will be available if you can’t make it live!

Not only are you able to attend the summit for as little as $29…

You’ll also get an entire free month of Focus Club, which gives you access to our ENTIRE course library (and a whooooole lot more)!

That means you’ll have dozens of ideas at your fingertips that could be game changers for your personal productivity, creative output, time management, and so much more.

Here’s the link one more time to join us!