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We updated our pick for the best RSS app for iPhone and iPad

Where many folks once consumed and gathered their interesting links through Twitter or Facebook, we now see many folks venturing back into their RSS queues to more directly control the types of content they’re reading.

It was only appropriate to jump back into our review and update our pick for the best RSS app for iPhone and iPad. Our pick hasn’t changed, mind you — Unread is still our pick for the best RSS app for iPhone and iPad for most people. Its beautiful interface, best-in-class reading experience, and unique gesture-based navigation system make it the easiest app to recommend to RSS users for daily usage. Unread was previously our pick for the iPad only, but our update introduces Unread as the pick for the iPhone as well.

This isn’t to say any of the other competitors in the RSS category aren’t worth your time. In fact, the RSS arena is ripe with great choices for the first time in many years.

Unread is, first and foremost, an RSS app that focuses on the reading experience. If you’re looking for the best, most comfortable way to consume your RSS feeds, Unread is the best in class.

But, if you prefer processing your feeds quickly and efficiently while also reading the occasional article and wanting to send the rest away to a read-it-later service like Pocket or Instapaper, we think the venerable Reeder 3 is the best way to go. Reeder, which has been around for quite a while, has an ever-slowing development schedule, but the app’s rock-solid performance, easy-to-understand interface, and efficient RSS interface make it a great standard pick for any RSS user.

If neither Reeder nor Unread fit your needs and you find yourself needing more capabilities, the recently updated Fiery Feeds 2 is likely the best RSS app for you. A Fiery Feeds Premium subscription offers a plethora of RSS power user features, like Smart Views (algorithmic filters to sort out your less frequently updated feeds), custom themes, custom email templates, and even custom URL templates to better interact with other apps on iOS. Fiery Feeds 2 has a few quirks that keep it from being our top pick, but if you’re an RSS power user with hundreds or thousands of feeds to sift through, Fiery Feeds may be the best for you.

Lastly, if none of the three options above fit the bill, lire is the next best contender for RSS consumption on iOS. lire utilizes the latest iOS 11 features like drag and drop and also incorporates many of the latest features from RSS providers like Inoreader and Feedly.

Regardless of your RSS usage, we have an app recommendation for you. Our review has been updated and lengthened to include a range of feature updates, new mockups and screenshots, new photos, and a range of new RSS app recommendations.

If you find yourself venturing back into RSS for news these days, give our review a look to see if you can get started on the right foot.