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When you purchased Learn Ulysses, you should have received an email prompting you to create an account with our new course platform . Go ahead and create your account, that is where your new course lives.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to email us or ping us on Twitter . Thanks, again!
— Shawn Blanc and The Sweet Setup Team
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Guides & Courses
Get back hours of your life and remove the mess (and stress) from your schedule. »
Productivity and task management training, plus in-depth video tutorials for Things 3. »
Less email, more focus. »
Use routines to make your life a little bit more manageable, a little bit easier, and a whole lot better. »
Improve your creative process, and save time, with a simple system for developing your ideas. Plus in-depth screencasts for MindNode. »
Custom productivity templates plus screencast tutorials for GoodNotes on iPad. »
The most extensive video guide to Day One available today, plus ideas and workflow examples. »
Organize your writing and capture your ideas with this video course to help you quickly learn Ulysses. »
Extensive video tutorials and training to take your photos from average to awesome. »
In-depth video tutorials to use 1Password like a pro. »
Save 45% ($241 discount) when you get all ten in-depth courses to complete your library. »
This will be our 10th time taking a group of creative professionals through the Focus Course Live program , and there is always one particular roadblock. “I just don’t have time right now.” »
You CAN accomplish your professional and personal goals without working a schedule that leaves you gasping for breath at the end of every week while ignoring your family. »
Right now, millions of people are obsessing over one thing: GOALS. And no, I don’t mean goooooooaaaaaaallllls. ⚽️ I’m talking about the goal-setting mania that takes hold this time every year. Just take a look at this Google Trends chart for searches for “goal setting.” Can you guess which months of the year those spikes occur? (Hint, it’s the first week of January.) Obviously, there’s a good reason for this. Setting goals (especially the right goals) is a critical ingredient for unlocking more focus in your life. But here’s the thing to remember about setting goals: Goals alone are not […] »
Right now, everyone is telling you the new year is supposed to feel like the picture below: A blank canvas. Endless possibilities. A clean slate. Sounds great, right? It might make for a nice Hallmark card, but in my experience it’s actually one of the worst ways you can look at the new year. Typically, the “blank canvas” approach leads to one of three reactions that undermine whatever momentum you’re hoping to generate to kick off the year. Which of these sounds like you? (1) The Optimist: “Time to do ALL the things!” 🤯 If you like to nerd out […] »
Quick and friendly reminder this is your last chance to get the 2025 Clear Action Planner and Plan Your Year for just $49. »