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What we published, and links of note

Here are the things we published this week, as well as a few links we thought you might enjoy. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS.

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PDF Expert 5 is on sale »

PDF Expert 5

PDF Expert 5, our pick for the best app for managing, editing, and reading PDFs on your iPad, is on sale today. Normally priced at $9.99, which is still a bargain when you consider the amount of value that is packed in, it’s on sale for $4.99 right now.

PDF Expert is delightful and easy to use, it offers the fastest PDF reading experience, it works with many syncing services, and it has the most robust toolset available on the iPad.

Why the sale? Glad you asked. Readdle, makers of PDF Expert, are celebrating their seventh anniversary by putting all of their great apps on sale. Calendars 5 is another of their apps included in the sale. While Calendars 5 wasn’t our top pick for the best iPhone calendar app, it’s still a fantastic universal calendar app.

Pocket Casts version 4.6 released »

Pocket Casts, our pick for the best iOS podcast client, received an upgrade yesterday that includes over a hundred fixes and improvements to the app, the first being much-improved sync. From the developer’s notes in the release:

This is a seriously major release, as we prepare for some big things arriving in the Pocket Casts universe later this year.

As Stephen mentioned in his review, we love Pocket Casts for its customizable playlists and excellent built-in search features. We are excited to see what Pocket Casts has in store for later this year!

Jonathan Pearson’s sweet iPhone setup »

Jonathan Pearson's iPhone

This week’s setup features Jonathan Pearson, a reader of the site with fantastic taste in apps. Jonathan is a Pastor, a communicator, a blogger, and newly-released author that writes about life, faith, and leadership.

Jonathan has a few apps on his homescreen that are favorites of ours, but he also has some off-the-beaten-path apps that serve a specific purpose. It’s not always about the new and shiny stuff, but about what helps you do your work and follow your passions.

Quick Tip: Learn more about your Mac »

This week, Stephen walks us through one of the features of OS X that’s probably overlooked by a lot of people. The About This Mac screen is a great source of information about your computer. Pretty much anything you want to know can be found from this launching point. The System Information bit is especially awesome to know about.

This app โ€” named System Information โ€” is one of the oldest parts of OS X. Itโ€™s been around forever, and is the best place to get down to the nitty gritty details of your system.