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What we published, and a link of note

Here are the things we published this week. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS.

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Quick Tip: Understand your Wi-Fi with Airport Utility

Airport Utility app details

Bradley Chambers is back again this week with a great tip on using the Airport Utility iOS app to monitor and troubleshoot your home Wi-Fi network. He explains what the data means and how you can make better. I had no idea what data rate was, but now it makes sense when a device is being sluggish on the network.

He also has some great advice on extending a network with multiple routers – something that many nerds dream about doing in their houses. He explains the bandwidth issue perfectly:

You can imagine Wi-Fi as a single door. There are only so many people that can go in and out of the door at a single time. If too many people try to go through at once, it will take everyone longer to get through.

Sven Fechner’s sweet setup

Sven Fechner's sweet setup

This week’s beautiful setup features Sven Fechner, writer, curator, and internet harlequin behind SimplicityBliss and the Der Übercast podcast. Sven is a senior sales manager for a large IT company in Europe, and travels quite a bit as a result. Sven has put a lot of thought into making his setup work great both at home and on the road.

He also hits the nail on the head regarding the future of software development – we’re just getting started.

When it comes to software, I believe we are just starting to see what is possible. More integration, more standards, and more versatile user interfaces and experiences are in our future.

Relay FM launched last week

Our friend Myke Hurley and Stephen Hackett, our own editor-in-chief, launched a brand new podcast network last week, bringing back several shows that were on hiatus for a few weeks. Relay FM is the new home to several of the shows you might know and love, and the boys actually had a really great week on iTunes. We can’t be more proud of them.

If you haven’t checked out the new site and the shows, do yourself a favor and see if any (or all) of the shows are a good fit for you.

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Our thanks to Lemke Software for sponsoring the RSS feed this week. If you’re interested in advertising with us you can learn more here.