Help Us Raise Funds for St. Jude During National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
This isn’t the kind of thing you’d normally find on The Sweet Setup, but we ask that you please take a moment to read this brief post about a cause we wholeheartedly believe in.
Parents: I want you to think back to when your child was born.
Remember the joy you felt the first time you hold that child in your arms. The first time they wrapped their tiny little fingers around yours. The first time they made eye contact with you. The first time they smiled.
Now imagine being told that child, which means the world to you, has cancer.
This story is all too familiar for many of the families that St. Jude supports.
That includes our friends Stephen Hackett and his wife Merri, who have gone through this with their son, Josiah.
For a family facing a cancer diagnosis for their child, the last thing you want to be thinking about is how to pay for the treatment your child needs.
And that is what makes St. Jude so amazing.
Families (like Stephen’s) never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. They believe that all a family should worry about is helping their child live. Because the majority of St. Jude funding comes from individual contributors, St. Jude has the freedom to focus on what matters most — saving kids regardless of their financial situation.
That’s why we’re happy to promote the Relay FM partnership with St. Jude to raise funds during National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Last year, the goal was to raise $75,000 in support of ending childhood cancer. But they blew past that, thanks in no small part to the generosity of The Sweet Setup community. So this year, the goal starts where last year ended — $315,000.
We know that times are tough, but we do ask that you consider making a donation to this worthwhile cause if you can. Doesn’t matter if you can’t afford a big donation — every little bit helps. Because as tough as it is right now, it’s even tougher for some families who aren’t sure how they’re going to pay their child’s medical bills. No parent should have to worry about having to choose whether to pay for the treatment their child needs or put bread on the table. St. Jude eliminates that stress by treating children and families from all over the world, and never charging them a dime.
Here at The Sweet Setup, a portion of all our course sales during September will be donated to St. Jude. If you’d like to join us in supporting this great cause, you can donate directly using this link.
On behalf of The Sweet Setup, and our friends at Relay FM, thanks!
— Shawn, Mike, Josh, Rose, Marius, Jeff, Joanna, Chris, and Isaac.