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Let’s build your Notion setup together (New TSS Workshop)

It’s no secret that Notion is one of my favorite tools for managing ideas and notes. It’s also no secret that figuring out your own ideal Notion setup is… kind of a lot.

You can spend so much time working ON your Notion workflows, that you end up never creating and working IN Notion.

It’s overwhelming, and all too easy to overcomplicate.

That’s why later this week we’re hosting a live, done-with-you workshop to build your simple Notion setup.

It’s called Yes, Yes, Notion, and it will walk you step by step through creating a simple Notion setup for your ideas, tasks, and projects.

Click here to lock in your spot! »

(Including access to the replays and Notion templates)

Over the course of two live workshops, you will:

  • Put together your ideal Notion setup and structure (personalized to your work style).
  • Get an inside look at the top Notion workflows we use at Blanc Media.
  • Unlock the power of databases to connect the dots on all your projects.
  • Set up your personal dashboard (AKA your one-stop-shop for creativity and productivity).
  • Get our best custom templates and automations for saving time on common tasks.
  • And much more — all detailed here.

By the end, you’ll walk away with a fully operational Notion command center for your most important creative work, tasks, and projects.

Click here to say yes to Yes, Yes, Notion now 👈

We actually use Notion every day, both as a team and individually.

Switching over several years ago was one of the best productivity decisions we’ve ever made.

But getting started on the right foot makes all the difference.

So, if you’re searching for the right home for all the bits and pieces that feed your creative work, look no further.

Join us for the workshop and create your perfect Notion setup.

The first session kicks off this Thursday, September 14, so save your spot now.

Save my spot »

(Including access to the replays and Notion templates)

P.S. You can view the full itinerary here, but don’t worry if you can’t make it live. You’ll also get access to the recordings and every resource shared during the live workshop.