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Join us this Thursday for April’s live event: “Back to the Productivity Basics”

Productivity - back to the basics

This season of life is getting nuts.

It seems that by now, there should have been plenty of time for everyone to “figure out” working from home and homeschooling and never leaving your house…

But has anyone really figured it out yet? I mean, come on. It’s bonkers.

The truth is, you’re not exactly working from home.

What’s really going on here is that you’re actually stuck at home and yet you still have to get all your work done while you manage the craziness and try to make sure everyone in your house has something to eat.

Back to the basics…

When things are spiraling out of control, and we feel flustered, unfocused, and distracted, what do we do?

We fall back to our most simple and basic routines.

Meaning: We default to doing the things which are EASY.

And, believe it or not, that is a good thing.

So many folks assume that a complicated system is better. But it’s not better if it gets in your way or slows you down.

Your system for staying on top of things should be as easy and simple as possible.

Because honestly. Who in the world has the time or energy to waste on managing a complicated and intense productivity workflow? Not me. And probably not you either. We have enough going on as it is.


This Thursday!

Mike and I will be sharing the simple and straightforward approach to how we manage our tasks and time each day.

Yep. And that’s why this month’s webinar is called…

Productivity: Back to the Basics

Free Webinar: Productivity, Back to the Basics

Here are the details…

WHAT: Our monthly webinar for the TSS community. This month, talking about simplifying your task and time management. We will also be doing live Q&A, of course.

WHEN: Thursday 9, April at 2pm EST // 7pm BST // 11am PDT

WHERE: Register here to save your spot.

Register Now

Can’t wait to see you there! And, as always, be sure to bring your beverage of choice. I’ll have my afternoon coffee in hand. But it’s going to be 5 o’clock somewhere, so bring whatever you want.

Two quick side notes about Thursday’s live webstream:

In March, for our previous live event, we maxed out the attendee limit and so there were folks who weren’t able to get in. We have since upgraded, so hopefully that won’t happen again. But you may want to register, just to ensure that your spot is reserved for the live event.

Why should you join us live instead of catching the replay?

We have something brand new that we’ve been working on, in secret, for the past week. We will be announcing it on Thursday during the live event because it happens to tie in perfectly already with this month’s webinar topic. (Think, very simple approach to properly blocking out the time you have in your day.)