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How to Build a Journaling Habit (TSS Webinar)

Journaling Webinar

This week my friend Matt Ragland and I are hosting a webinar to talk about building a journaling habit.

As I shared about in my story this morning, this is something that I have personally doubled down on over the past 60 days of life under quarantine, and it has helped me tremendously to deal with all the ups and downs.

Some advantages of daily journaling include:

  • Improving your productivity.
  • Reducing your stress.
  • Staying focused.

Matt is a super-smart productivity person with a successful YouTube channel (43,000 subscribers!) that is all about bullet journaling, habits, focus, etc.

Thatโ€™s why, this coming Wednesday (May 13), Iโ€™ve asked Matt to share about what he knows about successful journaling and other habit hacks.

And, since Iโ€™m a Day One guy and Matt is a Bullet Journal guy, weโ€™ll also be talking about when to consider analog vs digital methods.

There will also be time for live Q&A. So I hope you will join us.

What: Live, Journaling Webinar

When: Wednesday 13 Mayt @ 10am Central / 11am Eastern

Where: RSVP HERE and you will be sent an email with the link to join us on Wednesday (itโ€™s free)

Please do sign up to let us know you plan to attend. That way weโ€™ll be able to send you the link and details for how to join us live.

And note that there will not be a public replay of this webinar.