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Focus Course Live: Open Now (With Special Bonus)

Big day today!

Enrollment for the Fall cohort of Focus Course Live is officially open!

Click here to explore the agenda and save your spot now.

Plus, I’m offering a little something extra special for the next 48 hours…

Fast Action Bonus: Everyone who enrolls before midnight Friday gets a 20% discount on their spot!

Focus Course Live is the online coaching experience where I personally help you bring focus, breathing room, and clarity to your full-time life.


👉 thefocuscourse.com/live

Focus Course Live gives you the structured, systematic environment you need to work through your challenges and goals, while being surrounded by a community of like-minded creators, entrepreneurs, and leaders who push you to do your most meaningful work!

Enroll before the deadline and get 20% off

Focus Course Live is an incredible experience. It is the proven way to…

  • Get clarity on your goals.
  • Build the systems to ensure you focus on them.
  • Unlock the margin you need to rest and recharge throughout the year.

Unlike a self-paced online course, you’re not left to go through it alone and hold yourself accountable.

This live-online program is a series of online coaching sessions where my team and I personally guide you through your Personal Mission Map and how to accomplish work that matters (while protecting time to enjoy your personal life with a sustainable schedule that helps you make daily progress on your goals)!

  • Week 1: we’ll zoom way out and get clear on your life’s vision. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your “why” so you can easily narrow down the top priorities to give your focus.
  • Week 2: you’ll get deep into the critical focus strategies for mapping your big picture goals to the small daily actions that will help you accomplish them.
  • Week 3: you’ll build your ideal schedule and identify the habits, routines, and time management tactics you’ll need to stick to it.
  • Week 4: you’ll discover how to unlock margin in your calendar so you can sustain your focused life — even when things get hectic and you encounter resistance.

By the end, you’ll walk away with your personalized blueprint for following through on everything you want to accomplish in the short-term future…

…and the confidence that comes with knowing those short-term actions tie into your long-term vision for your life.

We’ve never seen higher completion rates, faster success stories, or more breakthroughs in any other format we’ve ever offered, from self-paced online courses, to in-person events, to do-it-yourself workbooks, and more.

When you’re feeling stuck, you can raise your hand, ask questions about your specific situation, and get feedback from me, my team, and your fellow Focus Course Live members in real time.

When you’re feeling too “busy,” you’ll have a community that won’t let you quit or skip out on the promises you’ve made to yourself.

If you can set aside just 2.5 hours per week for 4 weeks (and I promise you can), you can get clear and focused on what matters most in your life. And you don’t have to wait until January to do it.

Here’s the link to learn more and save your spot today. (And get 20% off)

That’s my favorite part about this Fall cohort of Focus Course Live. Instead of going out with a whimper to close out the year, it’s a forcing function for finishing strong — without resorting to unsustainable work habits that lead to burnout.

So by the time 2025 gets here, you won’t need to spend a month revving up your engine. You’ll be riding a wave of momentum that began all the way back in Focus Course Live during September.

This is the last group cohort for Focus Course Live that we’ll be doing this year. I look forward to seeing you there!

— Shawn

P.S. Remember, you only have until midnight on Friday to get the Fast Action Bonus that gets you 20% your spot.

👉 thefocuscourse.com/live