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Bring voice into your notes with Noted. (Sponsor)

Noted. combats your attention span in long hours of meetings or lectures. Rather than scrambling to take down all notes, it helps you to concentrate on the present moment.

The app helps your note taking process easy and time saving. It has a built in audio recording and playback time tags to review for better learning and reflection.

It syncs across devices via iCloud, supports iOS, macOS and watchOS.

Noted+ subscription is good for day-to-day users, giving you unlimited notes and power features including noise reduction, adjustable sound quality and equalisation.

โ€˜With both versions offering the same interface, the appโ€™s clear, uncluttered layout concentrates on whatโ€™s important: your notes and recordings. Fast, friendly and incredibly flexible, Noted is very notable indeed.โ€™ – Apple โ€˜App of the Dayโ€™

Start your free trial on Noted+ subscriptions today – download here on iOS or Mac.

Our thanks to Noted. for sponsoring the site this week.