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Brand New: Day One in Depth Video Course

Day One in Depth

We just opened up registration for our brand-new course, Day One in Depth.

Day One is, hands down, the best journaling app out there. And it is one of the most important apps I use. It has been a staple on all my devices since it first shipped in the App Store back in early 2011.

Over the years, I have used Day One to chronicle so many moments, photos, and memories of my life. From the births of my boys, to quitting my job of 10 years to venture out on my own; from figuring out life during stressful times when money was tight, to my wifeโ€™s and my 10-year anniversary trip.

Moreover, I also use Day One to track and manage the business and creative challenges I face.

Needless to say, this app plays a critical role in how I stay focused, productive, and creative every day. And that is why we hope to help you get the most out of this app as well.

Our brand-new, in-depth video course covers every function and feature found within Day One.

Youโ€™ll discover additional workflows and ideas for how to use Day One for increasing productivity, creativity, and organization. There is a LOT you can do with this app, and weโ€™ll show you how.

Get Instant Access

When you sign up, youโ€™ll get instant access to all the material. And since you get lifetime access, there is no rush. You can work through it at your leisure.

Thanks so much! We canโ€™t wait to see you inside the course.