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Available Now: ‘Day One In Depth’ eBook

Day One eBook

Make the most out of your journaling with our comprehensive guide to Day One.

Day One In Depth is the most detailed and extensive guide to Day One available today. Featuring in-depth reviews that cover every function and feature found within Day One, our handbook goes line by line showing you how to make the most of this award-winning journaling app.

Available Now on iBooks

day one in depth



What’s In The Book?

Day One In Depth is roughly 45,000 words long. In it, we go line by line to cover every feature, setting, preference, and option found in Day One.

We also give ideas, tips, and tutorials for how best to use Day One to suit your own needs — from a morning writing time to a photographic travel log, Day One can do it all, and we show you how.

  • In-depth reviews and how-to guides for Day One on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad — covering everything you need to know about how to use it, how it works, and what features it offers that you can take advantage of.

  • The advantages of a digital journal and why Day One is the absolute best option out there.

  • Tips, tricks, and tutorials for pushing Day One far beyond the basics of just a journal. Use it to increase your productivity and creativity, for going paperless, for photography, travel, business, and more.

  • Best habits and practices for journaling.

  • How to automate certain types of journal entries.

  • Using Day One as an alternative to social networks (both for publishing and for checking).

  • Our own 30-day challenge that covers the range of benefits, suggested uses, and features of Day One that we outline in our book. It will not only help you get into the journaling habit, it will also help you learn the ins and outs of Day One through practical, hands-on experience (which is a far better way to learn than just reading alone).

If you’d like to get more out of Day One, this handbook is for you.

Day One In Depth is available now on iBooks. A special launch-week sale of just $7.99.


day one in depth