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Quick Tip: Use DaisyDisk to free up space on your Mac

Do you ever look at the free space on your Mac Hard Drive (Click the Apple Logo → About This MacStorage) and wonder what is taking up all that space? It happens to me all the time. DaisyDisk is my favorite tool for doing a deep dive into what is on my hard drive.

Daisy Disk launch

Once you launch the app, it will show your current free space. As you can see, mine has 95 GB free prior to the scan.

Here’s what taking up space on my SSD:

Daisy Disk graph

Thankfully, DaisyDisk makes it easy to reclaim the data with a drag and drop function. You can drag the folder to a collection bucket on the bottom left. Once you are finished collecting your data, you can delete it all at once.

I realized that I had a Dropbox shared folder with someone who forgot to clear out a folder with 10 GB of data. I’ll be sending them a “reminder” email shortly. I’m planning on digging through the rest of the drive to see if I can clean up any other data. DaisyDisk is a great tool for automating the process of reclaiming hard drive space.

We have more Quick Tips right here.