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Why goals fail

Right now, millions of people are obsessing over one thing:


And no, I don’t mean goooooooaaaaaaallllls. ⚽️

I’m talking about the goal-setting mania that takes hold this time every year.

Just take a look at this Google Trends chart for searches for “goal setting.”

Can you guess which months of the year those spikes occur? (Hint, it’s the first week of January.)

Screenshot of Google Trends chart for “goal setting” searches

Obviously, there’s a good reason for this.

Setting goals (especially the right goals) is a critical ingredient for unlocking more focus in your life.

But here’s the thing to remember about setting goals:

Goals alone are not enough.

They won’t magically keep you motivated throughout the year..

They won’t automatically prioritize your time on a daily basis.

They won’t unlock breathing room in your schedule — in fact, they’ll typically require you to find it yourself.

Setting goals is one thing. Getting results is another.

If you’re after results in 2025, this is how you do it:


Results = Clarity x Focus x Time

Without clarity, focus, and time, your productivity, goals, and habits will fail every time.

  • If you lack clarity on where you want to go or what you want to do, you will drown in the sea of options vying for your time and attention.
  • If you cannot focus on what’s important, you won’t ever get started.
  • If you’re unable to show up consistently, your efforts won’t add up to any kind of lasting, meaningful result.

If any one of those components is zero, the whole thing goes to zero.

That’s why so many “productivity tricks” and “life hacks” that sound promising fail to move the needle when put to the test.

What good is an extra hour on your calendar if you spend that time on distractions and shallow work, rather than the important things?

The ultimate form of productivity isn’t about speed or efficiency.

The ultimate form of productivity is knowing what the right thing is and summoning the focus to get it done. Then doing it again and again. (Inside Focus Course Live, you’ll get the systems, templates, and insights to solve this immediately.)

The challenge?

Like I said in yesterday’s post, real life is not a blank canvas (despite what the feel-good New Year’s memes might be telling you).

You can’t press a “pause button” on your life to find more clarity, focus, and time.

You have to find them WHILE ALSO keeping the plates spinning in your professional and personal lives.

That’s EXACTLY what I’m going to help you do in our upcoming January cohort of Focus Course Live.

Focus Course Live is a 4-week class where we help you build a system for unlocking and maintaining clarity, focus, and time.

(In other words, you walk away with all the components of the Results Equation!)

You’ll get CLARITY on what matters most in this season of your life.

You’ll set goals and strategies to achieve maximum FOCUS in those key areas (even when other things compete for your attention).

You’ll create an ideal schedule with habits that will give you the TIME and margin you need to follow through all year long (and beyond).

If you can give me 2.5 hours per week…

…I will show you exactly what to do to finally achieve the level of focus and balance you’ve been seeking.

All you’ll have to do is show up and follow the steps.

Best of all, you’ll be surrounded by an incredible community of people who will bring out the best in you. I saw it happen over and over during the past 3 years of doing Focus Course Live, and I can’t wait to see it again.


P.S. You’ll see that you have two options to join the Focus Course Live.

  1. You can join our thriving community membership, Focus Club, for just $1 for your first month and access to the group program in January is included!
  2. You can join us just for the group program, a-la-carte, for a one-time price.

Pick the option that’s best for you!