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Mindfulness Monday: What Inboxes Need to be Calmed?


When I say the word “inbox,” what comes to your mind?

For most people, it’s email, right? Email is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of checking our inbox. But the truth is that we all have multiple inboxes. An inbox is just anything that collects incoming bits of information that need to be dealt with.

An inbox is…

  1. A collection of stuff
  2. That gets delivered to you
  3. Which you have to deal with

How many inboxes do you have?

  • Email (of course)…
  • News feeds
  • Social media feeds (multiple!)
  • Multiple email accounts
  • Physical mail
  • Project management software
  • Text messages
  • Slack

Calm Inbox 🙌 A bold and simple promise: Less Email, More Focus

How to organize your email and get back hours of your life each week.

We believe that your best work doesn’t happen inside of an inbox. After going through the Calm Inbox course, if you choose to take action on what we walk you through, then these will be the results:

👉 Get back hours of your life. Every single week and potentially hours per day!

👉 Have more focus and attention in your day. Which results in time saved during work and thus more time for everything else!

👉 Get your work done faster because you’ve got less distractions coming your way.

👉 Less stress and anxiety. Because you won’t be thinking about email and social media all the time, and you won’t be constantly managing the crazy.



With all of these various inboxes, no wonder we can feel overwhelmed. There are so many things to check. And so, one of the first steps toward that Calm Inbox life is to know which inboxes you have, and then take the steps to calm them down.

By defining an inbox as something with these three components — a collection of stuff, that gets delivered to you, which you have to deal with — you can more easily get control of it. Just think about those three components and how you can improve them.

So, for example:

  1. Is this inbox collecting the RIGHT THINGS?
  2. Can I COMBINE any of these collections to make them easier to manage?
  3. Can I ELIMINATE any of these collections so that I don’t ever have to deal with them again?
  4. Are the things being delivered to this collection things that I WANT or NEED?
  5. Is there anything getting delivered that I NO LONGER WANT or need to get delivered?
  6. Can I USE TECHNOLOGY to AUTOMATICALLY deal with some of these things on my behalf?

You may have your email under control, but you can still feel stressed out because the other inboxes in your life are far from calm. What’s amazing to me is the amount of relief you can get from even a small amount of attention being paid to these inboxes. And that is how we get into what I call the “Just Checks,” which is something we address in another video.

A quick Mindfulness Monday exercise is to take note of all of your current inboxes and note which ones need to be calmed

Calm Inbox 🙌 A bold and simple promise: Less Email, More Focus

How to organize your email and get back hours of your life each week.

We believe that your best work doesn’t happen inside of an inbox. After going through the Calm Inbox course, if you choose to take action on what we walk you through, then these will be the results:

👉 Get back hours of your life. Every single week and potentially hours per day!

👉 Have more focus and attention in your day. Which results in time saved during work and thus more time for everything else!

👉 Get your work done faster because you’ve got less distractions coming your way.

👉 Less stress and anxiety. Because you won’t be thinking about email and social media all the time, and you won’t be constantly managing the crazy.