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Focus on your writing β€” anytime, anywhere (Sponsor)

ulysses app

Ulysses is a writing app for Mac, iPad and iPhone. It offers a distraction-free writing environment, so you can focus on what you want to say. Ulysses’ unified library holds everything you’ll ever write, and is equipped with the right tools for managing writing projects of all sizes and ambitions. With iCloud, all your texts sync back and forth between all connected devices, so you can work wherever you are, and whenever inspiration hits. And once you’re finished, Ulysses can transform your texts into almost anything: a PDF, a Word document, an eBook… You can even publish directly to your WordPress and Medium accounts.

Winner of an Apple Design Award in 2016, Ulysses is used and loved by authors, bloggers, journalists and academics from all over the world.

The Sweet Setup readers are entitled to use Ulysses 3 months for free β€” follow this link to claim the special offer!

Our thanks to Ulysses for sponsoring the site this week!