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Bring your popcorn: Livestream migration from Ulysses to Obsidian

I have been a long-time user of Ulysses. I started using it back in 2017 and have gone all in with it. Ulysses is one of my most-used apps for writing, note taking, and idea management.


This Monday, August 9, Mike and I are going to live stream while I migrate from Ulysses to Obsidian

Believe it or not, I have intentionally stayed away from Obsidian for the last several months solely for the opportunity to set it up in a live stream.

If you’re in a similar spot as me — wondering what the hype is about, and wondering if you should migrate your system over — then bring some popcorn and a drink of choice. My hope is that the live stream will not only help you get some clarity about how to set up Obsidian but also see if what makes Obsidian unique is something that’s worth it for you to migrate as well.

What: A live stream of Shawn migrating from Ulysses to Obsidian, with the help of Mike.

When: Monday, August 9 at 2pm Eastern

Where: RSVP here to get the livestream link.

If you’re wondering if this live stream will be as helpful as it will be entertaining, here are the list of goals that I sent Mike for what I need Obsidian to do for me:

My goals with the switch to Obsidian:

  • Set up my current main Ulysses structure that helps me capture ideas and turn those ideas into publishable pieces.
  • Figure out quick entry and capture (especially from iOS)
  • Find a better way to manage and organize my 2×2 email newsletter instead of in Things?
  • Create a better idea organization method that is not organized by “publication place”
  • Create a smart-filter that shows “recent” notes and articles I am actively working on.