
Your Work From Home Bonuses

Here are a few additional resources for you that can help make work-from-home life a little bit easier and give you some quick wins. Your courses and videos can be accessed from your TSS Dashboard.

The Calm Inbox Checklist (PDF): A checklist to help you take a few quick and simple steps in order to simplify the incoming news feeds and other alerts so you can be a bit more calm and focused during your day.

Habit Tracking Quick-Start Guide (PDF): Ideal for starting and tracking new habits you want to implement at home.

How to Create a Digital 5-Minute Journal In Day One with Templates: The 5-Minute Journal is a popular paper journaling system that is frequently recommended for people who are new to journaling and want help creating a journaling habit. Here’s how to use pre-made templates inside of Day One to create a digital version of the 5-Minute Journal, plus add AM and PM reminders to help create a journaling habit that sticks.

By the way. This page is only for TSS Customers, so please keep the link to yourself. Thanks!