
? Welcome Focused Listeners!

Calm inbox is our popular course on email management and focus.

(Created by none other than Mike Schmitz himself!)

Calm Inbox includes more than 50 video lessons, all on demand, and all ready to go for you. AND! If you sign up with your special link, you’ll save 10% off the normal price.

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As a Focused Podcast listener, you save an extra 10% off the course price because we think you’re awesome.

What is Calm Inbox?

Inside the course we’ll show you how to get less email and more focus. We’ll also show you how to be the boss of your email app, with nearly 30 videos that show all sorts of amazing productivity tricks you can do with your email app.

  1. Less Email: We’ll walk you through the step-by-step process for organizing your email and creating automated systems so that you only ever deal with the messages that require your personal attention.

  2. More Focus: We don’t stop at the inbox. We’ll help you develop your bias toward focused action so you aren’t distracted and interrupted by email during the rest of your day.

  3. Email Productivity: Thanks to roughly 30 screencast tutorials found in The Vault, we’ll show you exactly how to make the most of whichever email app you use

Calm Inbox video covers

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