
Lesson 0: Focus is Hard

Hello! So glad you’re here.

If you’re new, welcome! My name is Shawn Blanc, and I started The Sweet Setup back in 2013.

The whole aim of what we do here is to help YOU get the most out of your time and attention.

Over the coming days, you’re going to 4 lessons delivered right to your email inbox.

You’re going to learn how to create a productivity workflow that’s not dependent on any specific app. This way you can do the work and accomplishing the task at hand, regardless of the tool you use.

And that’s just the start…

But before all that, I have a bonus for you. So let’s go ahead and dive in.

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I’m a “why” kind-of person. If I can see the big picture then I am far more likely to jump on board.

And so, while you’re here, I wanted to give you the big picture of what’s going on.

Welcome to “Lesson 0”.

Consider it a bonus. Though honestly, this is much more than a bonus.

In fact, if you only read one of the lessons in this whole email course, I hope you’ll read this one.

Plus, I have a deal I want to make with you. Which I’ll tell you about in a minute.

First, a quick story…

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I’ve been using my iPhone since it came out in 2007. (Yes, I’m a huge Apple nerd.) And my iPhone has been within arm’s reach pretty much nonstop since 2007.

I used to waste a lot of time always trying what was new, but it seemed to only ever waste time and energy.

Or I would spend as more time just managing an app than I did actually using the app to accomplish the task I wanted to do.

Over the years I’ve found a good rhythm of the best apps and workflows.

No longer am I so focused on finding the best tool, that I don’t actually get around to doing the work.

Nowadays, I am very intentional about spending as much of my time as possible focusing on the things that matter.

As you can imagine, there is a LOT that goes into this.

Focus is a skill. Yet, they don’t teach this stuff in school and certainly not in the workplace.

We’re not going to dive too much into the topic of focus (there’s a mini-course for that).

Instead, today, what I want to share with you is this: K.I.S.S.

(Keep It Simple, Silly.)

When it comes to the tools you use, the simpler the better.

Why? Because complexity can slow you down in all sorts of ways.

The tools you use to get the job done should never pull you away from that job.

I have spoken to so many people who have reclaimed much of their time and attention by simplifying.

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There are 4 things I want you to know related to productivity…

1. Productivity Isn’t Just for Business-y Stuff

Is the stay-at-home dad who spends most of his day changing diapers and cleaning up messes any less productive than his wife who is the CEO of a charity organization?

Of course not. Each is productive in his or her area of responsibility.

Productivity tends to be defined by how well we use our task management systems or how organized our calendar app is.

Those metrics, however, tend to reward effective busywork.

You and I are going to define productivity differently…

Your productivity is defined by your ability to give your time and attention to the things which are most important.


2. Productivity is Not Primarily About Efficiency

Being efficient is important, but it’s not the most important.

We should make sure we’re actually spending our time doing what matters. Once we have clarity about the most important things, then we can concern ourselves with tips and tricks to remove friction.

As a result, it’s important to remember that…

3. Meaningful Productivity Thrives on Deep Work and Focused Attention

More often than not, our best work is accomplished during times when we are in the zone. Yet our workplaces are good at keeping that from happening.

Can you recall the last time you had an hour of uninterrupted time to focus on an important task or project?

Many people cannot. Even though it’s in those long stretches of uninterrupted time that we do our best work.

4. You Need a Plan

An undistracted hour to do focused work is awesome.

But, when you sit down, are you ready to go? Or do you have “dual focus”?

You see, it is another thing altogether to know what to work on during that time.

This, dear reader, is paramount. Which is why we’ll be diving into it on Lesson 3.

Start with Simplifying

The tools you use to get the job done should not hinder you.

By simplifying and improving the way you use your computer (and the things related), then you can reclaim a significant amount of your time and attention.

There are many practical and easy ways you can bring a simplification of the tools and workflows you use in your day to day computing.

Now I know that you’ve just signed up and you’re brand new here.

But I’ve got something that will be so helpful to you, and it ties in perfectly with the free PDF guide you’ve just signed up for…

It’s a 5-part mini-class called Simplicity in Computing. I know you’ll get so much value from it.

As I mentioned above, when it comes to the tools you use, the simpler the better.

And, well, Simplicity in Computing is all about keeping things simple, especially as it relates to technology.

Get some breathing room in your day by simplifying and de-clutter your computer-centric belongings, tools, and workflows.

Check out Simplicity in Computing

In Simplicity in Computing, I partnered up with my friend and productivity genius, Brett Kelly.

In this class we discuss how to tame the phone in your pocket and the computer on your desk.

Get a strategy for managing your inbox and learn practical tips for taming your email and social media.

Get organized and learn about how to manage your computer’s files better with a specific focus on automation and keeping things simple.

✅ Avoid catastrophes with an easy-to-manage backup plan for all your devices.

Get the space you need to do meaningful work using your devices.

Peek behind the scenes to discover what apps we use most to get the job done.

As someone who cares about workflows, productivity, and just generally getting the most out of their computers and gadgets, you’re going to love this class.

What’s Included?

? 5 audio sessions with over 3 hours of audio content.

? Complete PDF transcripts.

? Additional checklists, cheatsheets, and strategy guides.

Save 50% Right Now

If you want to improve your computer workflows and reclaim your time and sanity, then this class can help.

Here’s where we make a deal:

I’m offering you a special discount as my way of saying thanks for signing up for this Better Workflows course.

There are two reasons I’m offering you this discount is:

  1. This class was created with people just like you in mind. It’s an ideal first step for leveling up your computer workflows, making the most out of your devices, and getting back some much-needed time and attention in your day.

  2. Also, my hope is that you’ll see just how much value there is and just how high-quality it is. And then you’ll stick around and think fondly of our other training materials as you level up your focus, take more ownership of your time, and just generally do awesome stuff.


Here’s my offer…

Get Simplicity in Computing today and save 50%.

Use this link when buying Simplicity in Computing and you’ll get a 50% discount.

  • Normal Price: $19

  • Get it today for: $9

Yep. Just $9.

This discount is just for you because you’ve signed up for the Better Workflows course.

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee: If you don’t love this class, no problem. I am happy to refund your entire purchase with no questions asked. It’s zero risk on your part.