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In the meantime, there’s something I thought you’d enjoy…
As you’ll soon discover in the free guide, the scanner I use is made by Doxie. I’ve had mine for years, and use it all the time. We’re not affiliated with Doxie at all, nor are we sponsored by them. I’m just a fan of the scanner, and wanted to recommend it to you.
That’s why, for fun, I put together this very short video review of my Doxie Go. Check it out…
May your piles of paper become bonfires of awesomeness!
— Shawn Blanc
Founder, The Sweet Setup
P.S. So, as you know, the first step in going paperless is to get started. The second step is get a good scanner. Obviously I recommend the Doxie Go. It’s affordable, high-quality, and super compact.
You can get the Doxie Go from Amazon right here.
(And just so you know, we do get a small kick-back from Amazon if you purchase using our link. Thanks!)